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Updated, 2017 SHO Pics.....

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Big shout out to my close friend, and photographer, Jeff Liu, owner of HKMediaChicago.com for having taken the time this past Saturday, to meet up for updated photos of my multiple award winning, heavily modified, platform record setting, 2010 Taurus SHO.


What a great time, and the weather couldn't of been any better. Jeff and I have not gotten together in just over 1yr. We both had so much stuff going on, that we just kept missing each other. So besides the photos, it was just plain awesome to catch eachother up, with both of our lives, etc.


Anyhow, no model(s) available this photo shoot, due in part to our short notice. But no loss, as the car and Jeff's handiwork, still resulted in some phenominal images having been captured.


A couple of my favs, then I'll post the link to the dedicated album, so as not to take up to much forum data space. Enjoy!














Link to the entire album located here:





Oh yea, and big thanks to BOTH Rich Yaklin & Brian Michael, for BOTH having passed along the fact that my SHO, was featured among other cars, in the Official Recap of the 2017 Ford National's.


I counted 45 pics in total that were featured and given the fact there were 3,200+ cars of all makes/model years in attendance, to have been selected to be honored in such a small group of other worthy vehicles speaks volumes about how my SHO must've stood out.


Quite elated with that development, and as always, so incredibly happy to continue representing such a great platform, with equally outstanding owners respectfully.


Here's the link, scrolling down about 2/3rd's of the way down, will reveal my SHO amongst the others.




Hope everyone's enjoying their Summer thus far. Always more in/on the planning books for the SHO. So stay tuned..... !


Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk

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Thanks for the kind words, and glad y'all like.


I laughed at the "car porn".


Mark, had it not been for your generator keeping my SHO powered throughout the National's, the likelihood of my SHO having recv'd the attention it had, would've been significantly less.


So many thanks to you once again!


Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Yea, stupid PB. I am still steamed over their recent policy change(s) that have essentially held all of their account holders pictures hostage, by requiring an annual, recurring $399 bill in order to 3rd party host.


I hear there are some in the hacking world, that are trying to develop a work around to this. I'd gladly pay those entities let's say $200 a year if they crack it. But for PB to charge $400, is beyond ludicrous.


I also heard recently that some have tried right clicking on each image, and contingent on your internet browser platform, you may have success in viewing them. Not sure myself.

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