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March 10th Bracket Race DFW Texas


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I think I'm the only DFW person on here thus far, but in the event I've missed someone I wanted to share a bracket race event this Sunday. It's called the Muscle Car Club Challenge and it's at Texas Raceway in Kennedale Texas (1/8 mile track). It's a lot of fun with all years, makes, and models of cars from very fast to not so fast. I run with the Hillbilly Hotrod club since they're a great group of guys, accept all cars and don't charge dues so anyone can run with them. I can't wait to see what difference the tune made!


Well if anyone is in the area and can make I hope to see ya and have a great week.

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Yeah might be a little too much driving...


I hope so, i've seen where some folks are dropping that much. If I do drop that much it will put me in the top end of one of the classes, which I like, cause everyone will be chasing me making them susceptible to breaking out. :D

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Yeah I can't wait for the "moonshine", I already had people walking up to me yesterday asking "what the hell is in that Taurus" It was fun beating up on Mustangs and Camaros, even beat a Roush Supercharged stang. Not my fault he couldn't get traction, that's as big a part of drag racing as HP so if he didn't want to get beat by a land barge then he should have figure out how to hook...lol

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