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Ahh..Finally Nice Weather

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Finally had a great day in Pennsylvania...currently 58 degrees at my house and slight overcast, but sun was out earlier. Took the opportunity to detail the car. Rain- Xed the windows and Quik Detailed the car followed by a Quik Wax. Only thing I didn't do is the tires, since we are supposed to have rain and flurries tomorrow afternoon into the night. At least the car looks great now. Was able to get this done because my wife washed the SHO last evening for me. In return I also detailed her Explorer this afternoon.

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Wasn't quite as warm here today Mark but nice just the same.

The long range is very favourable and calling for milder temps and not much precip .


Sounds like spring is starting ..........


Washed the SHO yesterday but didn't detail her yet due to wet and salty roads but soon the cleansing rains will come.



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