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Ecoboost Owner Forums

New guy from Denver


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I do have to say this site is a lot better then the other one that I was on.


1st, welcome aboard our EcoBoost community :welcome:


2nd, glad you found us :thumb:


3rd, I firmly believe that you will enjoy this EB community much better than others.


Even though it is only 3 months old, it is already filled with a bunch of great members and vendors, and has a boatload of useful information that I would think you'd be hard pressed to find elsewhere.


Enjoy, and be sure to pass our site along to any other late model (2010 and up) EcoBoost owners who you think would also benefit by being members here.


Also, we like pics here, so a few snap shots of your 2010 would be awesome!




Sent from my DROID3 using Tapatalk

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