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Ecoboost Owner Forums

Installed Ford Custom Graphic and added chrome strips on front grill

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Haven't ever seen those before..... not too shabby :thumb:


Welcome aboard by the way :welcome:


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Mike :wave:

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This was another recent addition following the SHO strip.


I also added the Ford logo on the glass after getting the SHO stripe on. This pic was taken taken during a recent trip along the Gulf Goast. There was just enough room for the sensor wipers and cruise control radar opening.





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  • 2 months later...
I also added the Ford logo on the glass after getting the SHO stripe on. This pic was taken taken during a recent trip along the Gulf Goast. There was just enough room for the sensor wipers and cruise control radar opening.



Hey, first contact, the openings you see on the upper part of the windshield are for the rain sensor and auto high beam/light sensor. The Auto cruise control (ACC) is on the lower drivers side grill. It is marked "radar ACC".

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