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New FSA on 2011-12 Taurus

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I received a letter today regarding Ford's FSA (Field Service Action) number 12B36. Certain 2011-12 Taurus may have contamination build up on the electrical connectors to the engine cooling fans. So, I took a peek in my 'Crystal Ball' and found the actual service procedure.....


If your fan passes, they install new code to cycle the fans more often to keep the contacts clean;


If your fans fail, congratulations, as a bonus, you get a new set of fans with the code update as well and a possible rental car to boot if the parts are not in stock....:doh:






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My contacts should be relatively in good shape then......




Well in order to take better advantage of my 170 degree lower temp thermo from Unleashed Tuning, I respectfully asked LMS to adjust my cooling fans to cycle more frequently / lower setting than factory, which I'll add they did :thumb:


So damn cool to have a bunch of awesome forums supporting vendors here on the great EB that support our platform of EcoBoost's :hail:


Thanks DB for posting this info for those who may not be rocking any of the above items. I'm sure those stock variants out there will appreciate this info :thumb:

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Honestly EBB, no clue.


Why not? Cuz I've never done any data logging.


I would like to make it out to LMS's facility this year for some custom dyno tuning time, but a lot of that hinges on whether or not that other vendor will ever finish my catless pipes.


It's approaching 8 months now since I've placed my hefty deposit and still no assurances whatsoever that they'll be completed..... EVER.


Kind of salty about that right now as PayPal closed my disputes as apparently they were filed well outside of the 45 day time limit(s), and I'm not banking a whole helluva lot on the BBB's involvement to resolve it either as I opened a case file there too.


So I guess I either eat the deposit loss, or just hope some day they magically appear at my door step at this point.


But, if they ever do arrive, I'd like to then follow up their install with dyno time at LMS. So perhaps I can provide some of those details after that takes place :noidea:

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Well' date=' if they ever do arrive and you make the trip to LMS, I would love to meet up with you there and watch your car get the dyno work done...that would be AWESOME!!![/b']


You got yourself a deal.....


Maybe, it can somehow turn out to be an officially sanctioned EB Forums mini meet & greet perhaps?


Sent from my DROID3 using Tapatalk 2

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Brought the car in this morning for the FSA, and all is well. The tech ran the fans at full speed for two minutes via the PTS interface to the OBDII, verified proper operation, then uploaded the new code. No more than 30 minutes turnaround! :RpS_smile:

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So Kirk at NESHO is AWOL????


It took him almost 7 months to get me my mid-pipe... but once delivered, it was perfect! It's sitting in my FL garage currently. I didn't give him a deposit, as he was building other ones, however.


I'm sure he will get them to you sooner than later. Understand from others... that they are a real piece of work to fit.....

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My contacts should be relatively in good shape then......




Well in order to take better advantage of my 170 degree lower temp thermo from Unleashed Tuning, I respectfully asked LMS to adjust my cooling fans to cycle more frequently / lower setting than factory, which I'll add they did :thumb:


So damn cool to have a bunch of awesome forums supporting vendors here on the great EB that support our platform of EcoBoost's :hail:


Thanks DB for posting this info for those who may not be rocking any of the above items. I'm sure those stock variants out there will appreciate this info :thumb:


So you're the one to thank that now that I am running Stage 4+ my neighbors think I bought a leaf blower?! If I swap out the thermostat with the 170 degree mod, will the fans actually shut off once in a while?




Were you thinking of a Chicago area meet-up, or out at LMS?

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So you're the one to thank that now that I am running Stage 4+ my neighbors think I bought a leaf blower?!


If I swap out the thermostat with the 170 degree mod, will the fans actually shut off once in a while?




Were you thinking of a Chicago area meet-up, or out at LMS?


Funny you say that (about the fans).....


Most times I shut my car off, the fans powering down sounds eerily similar to a passenger jet sitting on the tarmac & idling down after it has pulled into the gate.


I like it!


No clue on whether your fans would cycle less with the lower temp thermo :noidea:


As far as a meet goes, eh, 6 of one, 1/2 dozen of the other.....


My ultimate intentions are if I can finally get my hands on those catless pipes (8 mo.'s & counting still) I wuld like to get out to LMS in June on one of my weekends off for some custom dyno / tuning time.....


Or July even.


Anyone in my neck of the woods here in Chi-Town is more than welcome to stop on by anytime. Or if y'all want to coordinate a meet at a restaurant or what have you..... game for that too.


Just start a separate thread on it I guess..... almost like a "feeler" thread if you will.

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  • 3 months later...

Does anyone know what years this covers? I've got a 2010 and did not receive a letter and have recently been experiencing some unusual A/C issues lately. One day I came home from work (hot day near 100 degrees), parked it for 5-10 minutes and headed back out. A/C was blowing nothing but hot air when i started it back up. Only was a 5 mile trip to the mall. Came back out about an hour later and started it up and it was blowing like there was a blizzard.


The other day we were running some errands around town and met up with someone to drop off some paperwork. I stayed in the car while the wife went inside. Sitting idle in park in the parking lot I noticed that the A/C was almost kind of pulsating fairly rapidly like every 2-3 seconds it would taper off some and then come back. Since then the weather has gotten 5-10 degrees cooler as Fall is approaching and have not been able to replicate.

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