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Andy my friend.....


Thanks for joining us here on EBOF!


In an Official Capacity..... WELCOME :welcome:


Enjoy all the information posted here thus far, and if you can't find anything, don't be afraid to pipe up....


We have an OUTSTANDING group of members/owners here on EBOF and if we don't know the answer right away, we'll hold eachother's hands (no homo) and figure it out.


We look forward to your contributions, and please post a few pics of your EcoBeast when time permits.




Mike :wave:

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:welcome: Glad you found your way here, I'm not that far from you and I get to State College area on a regular basis, so maybe we could get together and I could answer some of your questions. I do have the caliper covers on my car....again, welcome aboard!

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where u located now and where when ur in ny? and what are the caliper covers and is that to help u slow down or is it just for looks? id love to see some pics and if u could helpme find some for me and i would possible do them also, but i wanna do a tune first, and just wanna hear results and things it actually adds so i know where and from who to buy it from, thanks bud

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Thanks everyone... appreciate the welcome.


mjhpadi, yes we'll have to link up sometime, I also make a few trips to Lewisburg from time to time. I'm curious to know your experiences with the caliper covers, whether they were an easy install, whether they cut down on brake dust, etc.


Have a great weekend. - Andy

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