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HOW TO install 2013+ SHO fender nameplate vents onto a 2010-2012 SHO

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Congratulations like many of us, you have the old depreciated 2010 - 2012 Ford Taurus in SHO Trim :lol:



this guide will help you update those fender vents with ease to the new 2013+ style and removing the visible word Taurus from the front fenders...


items you will need:

Thin durable Cardboard usually found with packaging for items sealed against with plastic i.e. hotwheels/matchbox sales packaging

a clean quality microfibre cloth

Quick Detailer

maybe a claybar (completely optional)


Parts You Need:





someone recommended a putty knife but if you are worried about your paint like me you'd consider other paint safe items to push the tabs in

so in this picture i'm jamming thin cardboard down inbetween the fender and the vent




gently pry on the side closest to the door jam toward you away from the fender like this while attempting to push the tabs down with the cardboard while pulling off the vent





it should come off easily if not try the tabs on the bottom


when it comes off it will look like this




spray the dirt and crap with some quick detailer and wipe it off





it should be clean if you find specs of "rail dust" use a claybar like i did

and it should be clean like this



now take the new fendervent that fits and push it in firmly till you hear or feel a slight click the newer ones have very little click but push all over firmly, to be sure you can attempt to pry it off gently to confirm a proper secure snug fit







NOW STEP BACK AND ADMIRE the shit out of your upgrade









to give you a better understanding of the clips this image should help you




this is the back of the old vent



and this is the new vent





Total Cost for this Mod here in Canada was $180.24 (including taxes) this was after a discount was applied :yell:

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Thanks for having taken the time and effort to write this up for the benefit of all of your fellow members! :thumb:


Kind of cool to see others stepping up to the "How-To" plate.....


Your thread will be added to the "How-To" sticky shortly so that you can live on in EBOF infamy :hail:


Thanks once again!


Mike :yo:

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great job' date=' very clear and in depth on how to install, makes me feel like i can do it myself lol, but still not sure if where to purchase these from for the best price, and ideas guys, thanks[/quote']


Thanks :D



i think the cheapest place was that place in nevada for $90 a pair, that seems very reasonable i don't suggest paying the amount i did. it was more of a quick exclusivity thing i wanted to do asap but overall i like the look, gives it more of a status symbol when someone pulls up next you and can't read the tiny ones on the side

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10 hours ago, Juanito said:

Why can't I see these pictures? 

Because Photobucket changed their policies this past Summer (of 2017) and they no longer allow "3rd Party Hosting" unless each individual account holder ponies up an annual fee of $399.

So essentially, anyone who has used Photobucket in the past, including myself, have chosen NOT to pay for this exorbitant, ridiculous, annual fee just to post pictures.

Essentially Photobucket is holding everyone's images hostage/for ransom.



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