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Ecoboost Owner Forums

New (Public) Illinois Group Created.....


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Due to recent sign ups from fellow Illinois members......


I thought it'd be cool to create a new group, (which is Public btw) for those members who hail specifically from Illinois.


My intent would be for us to be able to coordinate future group outings, bbq's, lil mini meet & greets, etc.


So if you hail from Illinois, and are a current, late model SHO / EcoBoost owner.....


Please sign up and post away about things pertaining to you, your vehicle, or home State here! :thumb:




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any NY meet? lol id love to meet up sounds like a great idea mike !!







Due to recent sign ups from fellow Illinois members......


I thought it'd be cool to create a new group, (which is Public btw) for those members who hail specifically from Illinois.


My intent would be for us to be able to coordinate future group outings, bbq's, lil mini meet & greets, etc.


So if you hail from Illinois, and are a current, late model SHO / EcoBoost owner.....


Please sign up and post away about things pertaining to you, your vehicle, or home State here! :thumb:




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