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MyCal question


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It's taken me quite a while but I must say I'm liking the MyCal more and more as I get better at working with it.

I found a mounting spot that I'm not in love with but it's working out pretty well in use. I also found a screen I'm pretty fond of.





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Sorry to have my question be in two sections but my phone locked up. I'm wondering what would work well in that lower right hand section that seems like it's set up for a bar value. I haven't tried anything there yet. Can't quite picture what the possibilities are.

Second and more important is my boost gauge is working great but it seems to peak out at around 10 PSI WOT. Maybe bounces to 11 PSI just during shift. I thought it would be higher with Stage 4+. Any one know what stock boost is?



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Larry stock boost is about 9psi, on the 4+ tune you should see peaks up to 15psi but will quickly drop to about 12 psi. I will try to use more boost gauge on MyCal in conjunction with my gauge in my pod to see how accurate it is. I have tried before for a bit I didn't find to be as accurate. But will give it a try again.

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I emailed Rick with my boost numbers and he confirmed that I should be hitting 14 to 15 PSI running 4+. He also confirmed that my version of 4+ is the most current out there. In my mind that leaves the accuracy of the MyCal, a screwup in the install of my tune file, or gasp low output from the turbos. Any thoughts as to what else if anything I should be considering??



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Yep I did the calculator. Took me a long time before I got it to work though. It's not like it was easy for me. I followed the directions and for a long time I had something wrong and just had a dead gauge....no reading. I kept working at it and the more familiar I got with it the easier it got to move through the menus till at one point one of my efforts at the calculator payed off. I found what looked like my error and lo and behold it seems to work perfectly....with the exception of the 10 PSI max reading. Did you have a chance to compare your MyCal Boost gauge with your actual yet? Since the calculator formula is supposed to be actual manifold pressure minus atmospheric pressure I'm not sure how one would go about tweaking the calculator to add 4 PSI. If yours is accurate it will tell me a lot.



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Yes Larry I just went and done, and found the gauge to pretty accurate. Before I have to calibrate as vac/boost gauge by inserting negative value instead of zero. Let ask you thing which gauge template are you using? I use the one with the group of 3 analog gauges and it was pretty much right on the money, also tried a setting a digital gauges but it gave negative values at idle and did not give accurate boost numbers.

I wish I could review your set up with but I did not set up mine so I'm no expert and not even sure how to get to where the calculator is.

Know keep in mind you will not run 14psi flat out, you will peak at briefly. I know longer have the 4+ tune to give average boost pressure comparison. But my stage 5 tune peaks 18psi and I mean briefly only when hit 2nd gear quickly drops all in less then a second.

I'm trying to be optimistic and assume your car and your calibrations are all ok, and maybe your missing seeing your peak. Have you considered logging? That way you can replay, just incase you missed. But if my memory serves me right even if you miss seeing a peak of 14psi you should be seeing 12psi pretty steady under WOT. I know I wish I had, but its hard to watch the road 2 gauges and 100mph comes really fast!

I will try and learn the calculator so we can review it to make sure your set up is correct. But we'll get it figured out.

Other than not seeing the boost numbers you want to see, does your cars performance level make you suspicious?

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I will go out tomorrow and check my calculator against your pictures. Thank you for checking this.

I'm not sure what the name of the screen I'm now using is but I will check that out tomorrow also. I do know that I recently went through all the gauge format options and I really liked the one I posted a picture of at the beginning of this thread. It is by far the most legible and easy to read while otherwise preoccupied at WOT. I also selected the nighttime lighting choice and it truly is wonderful. I have the MyCal above and to the left of the rear view mirror and the brighter and more showy displays are distracting so near the mirror. This display is clear as can be, but not distracting at all. The single dial is large with fine numbers (I selected 0 to 20). The background is dark and the numbers and the needle are a subdued golden color. I plan on possibly changing the color from gold to the blue/green to match th



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Oops. Fingers hit the send by accident. Anyway as I was saying my aim is to get the display to match the OE if I can. I doubt my calculator is wrong but your thought is a good one and I'll revue all steps tomorrow just to make sure. The car seems to run good but you know as you get used to the power, it can seem tamer than when first exposed to it so I'm not sure.



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If you look at the pic in the beginning of the thread you will see the large display and at a reading of 10 PSI the needle is pretty much up and down so easy to see and right in front of my face. I got a quick bounce to 11 at the top of the shift but mostly stayed at 10 PSI.



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I am amazed how different the MyCal device looks pre-2013. I wish my device had all that functionality. Not sure why the change in devices.


Ha! Right about now I'd trade you some of that functionality for a little shallower learning curve.



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Ok I found this and took a few pic's, as said before I didn't set up mine. But hope this helps.


This was interesting Crash. I went down the list of parameters in the calculator pics you provided me and there was one difference. Your constant offset multiplier value was 14.7 and mine was 0.

I had assumed that if I was using the atmospheric pressure signal as my variable offset multiplier, I would not need a constant offset as well. Of course I may now have redundant offset values. My thought in picking the variable signal as my offset was that at sea level pressure is one value and it would change as one climbed Pikes Peak and so the constant offset would not be as accurate. Now off to test!


Thanks for helping and if you can see a flaw in my reasoning here please feel free to point it out.





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Hey Crash

Doesn't seem to be a lot of guys playing with these MyCals. Test results today indicate no difference in the results if using the fixed offset you are using or the variable offset I was using. Must be at my altitude not a lot of difference between the OBD2 atmospheric signal and constant 14.7. Having the both values in the calculator did not have any effect I could see. Rick, like you, is saying that with the 4+ I should be able to show a solid 13 PSI with fluctuations to 14 to 15 PSI. Don't know what to do since at the 10 PSI I'm showing, the car doesn't feel at all sluggish. I suppose I could reinstall my tune and see if that changes boost output. Or I could go back to stock to see what my boost is there. That would rule in or out the turbos. This is getting frustrating. Thanks for checking the MyCal against your actual boost gauge.



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