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Metallic bump/click type noise. Maybe even a squeak too.

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So I can hear it mostly after the car warms up. Coming from the left front suspension somewhere. It seems like a typical noise you would hear on an older FWD car. It happens while driving at speeds lower than 50. It is almost a clank or bump noise, sometimes with a squeak. I am sure I will end up going to the dealer, but from what I have been reading lately, it does not seem that they will be of any help. Could be a bearing, loose suspension somewhere. Any more ideas?

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I'll know more next week; the SHO is going in for that issue and another;


Clicking in wheels when moving (only hear it in parking garage)


Clicking/Thumping when turning the wheels while stationary--happens at weird spots in the lock range--can nearly have it do so on command.

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Well, car is in the shop. I'm taking bets. Will they say they fixed it or will they say they can't duplicate the problem (but we gave it the sunshine treatment.) BTW, my dealer is kinda lame, but I did get a rental (2013 Fusion SE, 1.6L EB), pretty weak, worse gas mileage than my SHO.

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So, the Strut came in early and they replaced it today. They replaced another item right near the strut, and they test drove it. It did not help, They want to keep it and do more test drives, but my SA was asking me if I knew of anyone else having the problems. I told her, not exactly, but that I would ask the experts (You guys). So any other suggestions. I am going to read the other posts here and elsewhere.

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