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Ecoboost Owner Forums

Black Friday!


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Well next week all the crazies will be out to buy a 40in LCD tv for $150 or a Laptop for $100 ect ect. Anyone planning on going out? If so what are you looking for. Also do you think any of the vendors will be having black friday deals? Its going to be a very busy weekend next week.

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Absolutely NOT! I went one year and it was just ridiculous. It's not that serious to be trampling people and we turned out backs two seconds to pick up a toaster oven and someone had complete taken our stuff from the cart. I get my stuff on amazon. Cheaper and a no hassle return policy. When you're already spending over $100, what's 20-30 bucks more? Nothing when it saves you from getting arrested to punching one of these die hard shoppers in the throat.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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