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Ecoboost Owner Forums

De-badge opinion

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Well, I bought a 3.5L Twin Turbo emblem off ebay and I got it and it is pretty nice, but when examining the back of the car for potential install, I think the emblem is far to big (might work better on an SHO). I was going to remove the ECOBOOST badge and install the new emblem.


In any event, now I am thinking of debadging the whole rear end (LINCOLN, MKS, end the ECOBOOST emblems). Opinions?


Here is a link the the rear end of the car, in post #1. Photobucket is not working right now, otherwise I would simply post the photo.



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I think i would look good with the Lincoln removed. I typically don't like cars that are completely debadged because the car look generic to me. The Lincoln symbol and MKS would be good as far as the ecoboost badge that is up to you if you like it. I know i'm going to be debadging the Taurus off my car here shortly. Just so i can says Ford SHO on the back.

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I am going to remove the Lincoln emblem on the left side and leave the MKS and EcoBoost emblem and see how it looks. Somebody on my Impala forum did a Photoshop for me completely debadged, and it really did look plain. Thanks for the comments. My wife also suggested only removing the Lincoln emblem, as that is block letters and kind of boring. The MKS emblem has some style to it.

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