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New SHO Owner 2011


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My wife and I just picked up a 2011 Platinum White SHO. We drove down to Norfolk, VA to pick up the car from Freedom Ford. So far the only issue we're having is with the bluetooth and my Galaxy S2. I'm hoping to share my past performance modification experience as well as learn from everyone on the board about the SHO.

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Welcome aboard :welcome:


Glad to have you here, and I already replied to your PM.


Anyhow, congrats on your 2011 SHO, and I firmly believe you'll find lots of great info posted here thus far, as well as a much larger contingent of owners here who own the same (or similar) platform of vehicle(s).


We look forward to hearing about your experiences, as well as any mods you may choose to end up performing.


Be sure to check out a few our EBOF Supporting Vendors, and their wonderful product offerings!


Mike :yo:



Sent from my DROID3 using Tapatalk 2

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Welcome. Samsung phones hardly ever work properly with fords sync systems. They use a different Bluetooth profile. Ford will even tell you this. Samsung refuses to release to profiles to make it compatible. If you open the running apps area and find a file called bmap and shut it down the phone will work better. However every time you restart your phone you will have to disable that program. And set the sync to disable auto download of phone book after you have down loaded the your contacts. This worked for me on 2 previous samsungs.

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