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Taurus Police car close encounter...


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Was driving home yesterday from work in rush hour traffic and ended up with a MN state trooper in a fully marked and decked out Taurus police package (couldn't tell if it had the EcoBoost but it sure moved like it did). He was most likely looking to catch people in the HOV lane that shouldn't be in it. I looked in my rear view mirror and here comes a 20 something in a white pickup truck driving like an idiot weaving through traffic (more like shoving his way through and massively tailgating). Now again the cop is really visible in a fully marked car so I expect to see the brakes come on and the behavior to change...but no...he keeps coming. He ends up passing the cop on the right and then goes 3 lanes over to the HOV lane right in front of me (basically cutting me off) and floors it. I keep thinking to myself he HAS to know he just went by a cop...but apparently not. I looked in his truck and there didn't appear to be any pending medical emergency occurring and he actually seemed pretty relaxed despite driving like a complete moron.


Now don't get me wrong here I don't exactly drive slow and I've been known to drive fairly aggressive but this guy was just being an a$$. Needless to say he now had the full attention of the officer behind me and you could almost see him throwing stuff around inside his Taurus to go after the guy. Problem was he was boxed in and I was right in front of him. I could tell what he wanted though (he didn't have his lights on) and he had already flipped on his radar and begun to speed up so I got out of his way to the left quickly and off he went like a rocket - which makes me he think it was an EcoBoost. He even waved at me when he went by...very cool. Dude got pulled over about 30 seconds later and probably had a bad night...


Cliff notes: Dude blows past a Taurus police car and has a bad evening.

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haaaaaaa,very funny and so very true henn.


i kinda wish we had a like button here like facebook. in a way i think that could be cool. so i coulda just clicked like on ur comment.


just a suggestion thrown out there






Mmm gotta love stupid people. We have a police SHO in my town and we pulled up next to each other and shared a nod of appreciation of each other's power.


No matter how fast your car is, the Motorola is way faster :D

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Our local PD recently got a Mustang GT as an unmarked car - did not know this until I was shooting down the interstate and came up on it pulled over to the shoulder behind a vette with its lights on. Nice gun metal grey GT ....gonna have to keep my eye out for that one :)


OP story reminds me of a similar one of my own - though this did not include a SHO I was driving my '95 Mustang GT. Heading east out from Des Moines to Chicago and come up on a long line of traffic. I weave my way up only to discover an IA State Trooper at the head of the line driving RIGHT at 65. So I slow down and fall in line one car back from him. Up comes a white Ranger pickup weaving in and out....he HAS to see the cop because he pulls up next to him and just CREEPS past a bit faster - like 66/67mph. The SECOND his back bumper was past the Troopers front bumper, the trooper swings over, lights go on, bad day for Ranger boy. It was just friking hilarious.

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I was in England this past summer and we were driving on one of their freeways back from doing some shopping. I saw what looked like a riced out hatchback, SEAT Leon Cupra R was the make and model of the vehicle. It was flying around chasing down a car that was going faster than normal. I was like hey, it's fast and furious England style, then about a mile later the blue car's hidden lights were flashing and the car he was chasing was pulled over...it was just cool to see that in another Country...

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