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Another Dynomax install...

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I went for the Dynomax system from Advanced and ordered the left and right side separately with the discount code ($178) and then picked up two clamps at the local store. Total was right around $200.


Props to Shoman for the install video it was nice to see what I was in for before I started...although this is a pretty easy task - I used my Sawsall and had the pipes off in about 30 seconds. The stressful part is figuring out where exactly 7" back is from the diagram...did they mean 7 inches of curve or in a straight line (gulp)? It's the latter for anyone wondering.


As noted by others use a lot of WD40 or something similar on the rubber hangers to get the old mufflers out. Also note - don't hit yourself in the head with the stock muffler when it finally lets go of the hanger...just saying. :RpS_blushing:


The install itself went smoothly although one of the mufflers had one of the flares bent in a little so it wouldn't slip over the pipe without an adjustment. Probably happened in shipping.


As for the sound I really like it! Its definitely a V6 and this system does drone a little but I really like it...you can tell its there but it never seemed annoying or overly loud at cruise. I could actually stand it to be a little louder at WOT to tell you the truth. (Not complaining though...this seems like a good compromise right now.) I should add that I came out of a GTP with full headers, high flow cat, and a magnaflow catback and it DID drone quite a bit so my standards in that department may differ from yours. :)


I don't believe the car is any faster of course but the sound makes it feel faster...and we all know how important that is.

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