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It's a beautiful morning ---- ahhhhhh


I had to go to Delaware because I left my fat boy protein bottle in the office--you know, trying to keep my sexy figure (explains why I'm single). It was opportunity to take route 52 to Delaware, it's a nice route--open, empty, free to do whatever. It even has some nice corners with 90's that you can drift (plenty of sight and wide enough road to fix it if you screw up--plenty of sight meaning I can tell from a ways back if anyone is coming the other way.) It was my luck the place was empty so put the car in track mode and had some fun. She really does DRIFT--I'll try to see if I can get a video of it with my mate, but it was awkward to do. It was a hit corner faster than you EVER want to, slam the brake, flip the wheel and power through it.


In all the excitement, I had some issues--one issue plagued me the other day. It could be self inflicted--as my friend who is the Asst. Service Manager at a Ford house says;


"Just make sure you're not driving like gramps and then Ken Block. It messes with the TCM."


Let's explain the two occurrences.


First Time; I was pulling out of BP--had an opening, decided to WOT out of parking lot so I didn't get a beamer in my can. Soon as I hit the road and looked forward, some monkey head on welfare pulled across my lane into a side street. I closed the throttle so that Miss Betty could clear without me turning her into a sardine can. I immediately got back on throttle (to the floor--HEY it's a SHO). The car acted like it was confused--lost throttle (retarded); RPM's redlined--few seconds and bam I'm back moving.


Second Time; I was on 52 today and went to pass a car going entirely to slow for my taste. I moved over and to the floor; I had tach open this time and looked at it; it shifted to a gear that has absolutely no range left; instant red-line, throttle retard (pedal felt weird), few seconds, then it shifted in next gear--back in business.


Both these happened in D-mode; so on my way back, I decided to test few things. I tried S-mode, S-mode paddle, D-move; did all kinds of slow to 20, floorboard--30, floorboard--stop, pre-rev launch, max rpm shift--I couldn't replicate the damn thing. I don't know, maybe it's a fluke. I just hit 1100 miles today. I thought we were supposed to drive these cars like we stole it and not like gramps?


Maybe I do need a tune; perhap the transmission is programmed in a way that it's not really set for how I like to drive--I'm spirited most times--I do love cranking the throttle open. I imagine with these engines and turbo's; I need to roll the throttle, not just ken block it to the floor board.


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I've heard a couple of other '13 owners describing a similar experience as you have and although I don't personally know as I don't drive one, it does almost sound like a software / programming issue, which may be resolved with an aftermarket tune.


The "lost" feeling you describe has been reported by pre-'13 model owners, but it seems to be much more pronounced with you 2013 guys/gals.


I am aware that FMC worked a lot to change software / programming in the '13's in order to make them incredibly difficult to crack and then tune in an after market capacity.


It goes without saying, they likely monkeyed around with the Transmission files as well.





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I've had the car "die" between shifts at WOT a few times, and always when the car has only been running for a few minutes.

It's just about to shift and the boost gauge drops like a rock, RPM drops and the car putts along for a second or two, then wakes up and takes off.

It has done it once after the tune, but I never have a problem if the car is warmed up.

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I've had the car "die" between shifts at WOT a few times' date=' and always when the car has only been running for a few minutes. It's just about to shift and the boost gauge drops like a rock, RPM drops and the car putts along for a second or two, then wakes up and takes off. It has done it once after the tune, but I never have a problem if the car is warmed up.[/quote']


Both my situations were at least 20 mins after the car was started.


It's weird; I have no gauges to see. Even today, just now, I jumped on 202 from Gay Street in WC; hit the throttle to shoot over and she downshifted twice, held gear for few seconds, and went to next gear. FUNNY, no shit, I was pulling into a parking garage downtown and I hit the throttle climbing the huge ass ramp and I heard the turbos spooling; was the coolest f'n sound ever. If only I could hear it all the time.


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[i was pulling into a parking garage downtown and I hit the throttle climbing the huge ass ramp and I heard the turbos spooling; was the coolest f'n sound ever. If only I could hear it all the time.


A few members have claimed you can really hear the turbos with the K&N CAI. From what I have read, the K&N allows more turbo noise than the Airaide.

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[i was pulling into a parking garage downtown and I hit the throttle climbing the huge ass ramp and I heard the turbos spooling; was the coolest f'n sound ever. If only I could hear it all the time.
A few members have claimed you can really hear the turbos with the K&N CAI. From what I have read' date= the K&N allows more turbo noise than the Airaide.


I'm not trading the right intake for sound--Airaid has track record of being the best for the engine; I'll stick with that one. :)


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