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clacking when I gunned it...2010 Sho

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OK need some help as I checked the TSBs  and couldn't necessarily found anything. Scenario is below:



At a light stopped and there is a civil next to me. Light turns green and this guy guns it. He either has the biggest fucking hole in his muffler of no muffler at all. I was on the phone and gunned it to get past this guy, and maybe around 30-50 mph I hear this loud, machine gun, clacking. Very short like 2 or 3 seconds, like 4 to 8 clacks and defiantly from the SHO. It sounded like I put a golf ball  in a jar and rapidly shook it back and forth against the glass, or something to that effect.



It was about 40 degrees and clear. Directly prior I was sitting in a lot idling for 10 min or so.



What could this be? Has happened one other time that I can recall. 



Knock sensor or condensation on the intercooler? Was slow to shift through as well, as I was getting on it.



Tried to repeat issue and could not. Any ideas?

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I read a post saying that this is when the TC is on, and there is hesitation within the system.


I turned it off and have been interminetlly trying to repeat but havent been successful.


if you all see some thread or rleated issue, let me know please. If this is fixable id like to have it addressed when I take it in for the door handle recall.


Thanks bros!

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