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13' PP Downpipe Removal for PTU Fluid Change?

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As I get ready to tackle the job of changing my fluid in my PTU on my 13' PP, I was wondering the easiest ways to tackle removing the down pipe that will give me clearance at the drain plug? I searched nearly every thread regarding the fluid change but everyone who did a write up by passed the down pipe removal or said it was fairly easy. Also, if anyone has any quick tips that would better assist myself, please, let me know :)


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You shouldn't have to remove the downpipe to drain fluid out of the PTU. You need a short 5.5mm or 3/16 L wrench to remove it. I use the same hole to fill too. I fill up a 20oz cleaned out coke bottle up, pump new fuild in, then quickly install drain plug. It's a little messy, but you dont have to mess with the DP’s.

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You shouldn't have to remove the downpipe to drain fluid out of the PTU. You need a short 5.5mm or 3/16 L wrench to remove it. I use the same hole to fill too. I fill up a 20oz cleaned out coke bottle up, pump new fuild in, then quickly install drain plug. It's a little messy, but you dont have to mess with the DP’s.


I remember you mentioning this to me a little while back. My only concern is, How much fluid do you lose in the time before getting that drain plug back in? also, what type of fitting are you using to pump it in, to ensure its not leaking out as your pumping the new fluid in?

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