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'13 Tuner error


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I just got my mycal tuner in and downloaded the LMS files but when I took it out to the car I end up with an error 59 no tune files loaded. I double checked instructions and searched the forums no luck. The shop is closed I know it will be fixed tommorow by lms but I wanted to get out and play tonight. Maybe I am overlooking a simple step? Using the programmer app I can see the tune file installed as tune#1.

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The most common mistake when uploading a tune, is operator error when it comes depressing the push button start.


Are you sure you definitively "turned on" the power, w/o actually turning over the engine itself?


You should be pressing and then holding the push start button until you see the gauges "sweep".


Perform this step w/o placing your foot on the brake pedal.


Try that if you didn't already.

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