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Waiting for the rain to let up to check out the damage...


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A shutter blew off my house and smashed into my SHO....:mad::mad::mad2::mad2: Needless to say, a lot of curse words came out but it was so windy and raining I couldn't get a good look at the areas it hit and bounced along... I will check when this weather clears up... Stupid storm probably doesn't even have insurance for me to make a claim against. Typical.


Hope everyone is the northeast is doing okay.

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Prayers for you and all that are being affected by this event.


Quick story to share, while driving back from LMS's Customer Appreciation Day last week, I was amazed to quite literally see truck upon truck upon truck, for miles upon miles upon miles, all caravaning East bound on the I80 toll road.


They were all electric company trucks from various states I presumed were heading East to help out with expected utility repairs.


Just when I was amazed by that sight alone, I came across two separate, truck only rest stops, where each parking lot (besides the trucks caravaning East) each rest stop was filled with hundreds of utility company trucks all parked with their respective orange emergency lights flashing.


It was quite surreal.


As I could imagine the scene being surreal on the East Coast for those effected by Hurricane / Tropical Storm "Sandy".


Sent from my DROID3 using Tapatalk 2

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It's been pretty amazing here. Coming back from the Instructor Examination yesterday we passed a line of utility trucks heading east...think they were New Jersey bound since we were close to the Pennsylvania boundary when we passed them. Here we have had rain all day with some winds that were strong enough to get everyone's attention. Not sure what we will find in the morning but we're hoping that we don't find much damage in our area...now just waiting to see how much more rain and if it's enough to cause flooding.

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A shutter blew off my house and smashed into my SHO....:mad::mad::mad2::mad2: Needless to say, a lot of curse words came out but it was so windy and raining I couldn't get a good look at the areas it hit and bounced along... I will check when this weather clears up... Stupid storm probably doesn't even have insurance for me to make a claim against. Typical.


Hope everyone is the northeast is doing okay.

Steph, I believe the damage to the car will be covered under the comprehensive part of your auto policy...when someone threw stones that hit my hood, that's how it was covered. Also because it was under the comprehensive part, it meant that there was no deductible to pay. Good luck, hope the damage is minimal.

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, I was amazed to quite literally see truck upon truck upon truck, for miles upon miles upon miles, all caravaning East bound on the I80 toll road.


They were all electric company trucks from various states I presumed were heading East to help out with expected utility repairs.




There are companies in Missouri and oklahoma that their entire business model is storm chasing. They contract out for line repair and tree trimming.


the tornados we had last year in missouri and some ice storms in the past are great examples. They base out of the missouri oklahoma area because they can respond and hit eaither coast or border N-S_E-W in under 24 hours. And they RAKE in the ca$h.

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Hope you guys and your families are all OK. Cars too! The stuff on the news looks NASTY! Hopefully whatever car/home insurance you have asks no questions and gives no hassle.


We have State Farm's corporate office here along with Country Companies in central IL. I know both have disaster response teams they send out when this stuff happens.

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I live in Northern Virginia and decided to spend the night at some friends' house farther out west to ride out the storm and get into a safer location - seems like it's getting to be a regular occurrence what with our derecho back in June. [Note to self: NEVER buy a new car two days before you KNOW there's a FrankenStorm coming!] The wind was strong enough that it was rocking the car while I was sitting at stoplights. I wasn't expecting that considering how heavy this car is! Luckily no damage to house or car, and it turned out the power only went out for about 5 minutes (it was out for 3 days when the derecho hit). Anyway, hope the damage was minimal if any Steph.

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bombshell im sorry to hear that bro, i dont know how it was in your area but if thats all that happened then consider yourself blessed, my area got trashed and i couldnt and dont even know where to start, a big tree hit my car along with power lines down that got wrapped around my side view mirror which was ripped off and my whole front,drivers side and back is dented in spots and scratched damaged all over, but ive seen these pics online of people houses,cars or just them stranded and i also was screaming cursing pissed about my car and this is gonna be alot cause all the damage etc. but all those people losing there homes or cars completely under water, i took a step back and am VERY thankful that i wasnt hurt as the wires were live wrapped around my car for that moment. my prayers go out to you and the whole tri-state area and most of all THE BIG APPLE will be back,!!! GREATEST CITY IN THE WORLD !! but this was bad no joke crazy bad, and honestly i look at it that were all a lil lucky it was suppose to be around the whole wednesday or most of the day sandy, and around noon time it was just a light drizzle rain with slight wind then, if this storm stayed that whole weds that we were told i cant even imagine what would of happened, this shyt is straight out of a horror movie, but we'll pull thru this, god bless u all and be safe, !!







A shutter blew off my house and smashed into my SHO....:mad::mad::mad2::mad2: Needless to say, a lot of curse words came out but it was so windy and raining I couldn't get a good look at the areas it hit and bounced along... I will check when this weather clears up... Stupid storm probably doesn't even have insurance for me to make a claim against. Typical.


Hope everyone is the northeast is doing okay.

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Still raining (although, lightly) here in Central Pennsylvania....it's been raining ever since early afternoon on Sunday. Not complaining....it could have been a lot worse here. We had lots of rain and wind but no damage, so the rain is bearable. Hope everyone else gets things back to normal quickly.

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