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Windstorm Cold Air Intake by Livernois

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Just wanted to ask the community if anyone has this intake or knows much about it? I currently ordered one and it is on the way and just wanted to get some insight from everyone on what they believe. Livernois stated that it is definitely not a rebranded Air Raid Intake and that they have fixed the issue with sealing to the hood and that their filter and the rifling of the intake tube itself are all much better than the Air Raid. Anyone have any information or experience with it though?

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I am installing the Windstorm CAI today along with my pre-gapped plugs and tuner all from Livernois. I plan on doing before/after pictures and videos. For the videos I am planning on with hood open, hood closed, and inside the vehicle. We should hopefully be able to hear a sound difference with the intake. The only thing I am trying to figure out is what to use for my sample. Should I do Idle, a few WOT bursts, and then maybe a 4000 rpm hold??? What do you all think?

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Well the Cold Air Intake along with my LMS tune and spark plugs were installed last night. I drove it for maybe 10-15 minutes and as far as the Cold Air Intake goes, I definitely heard it a few times. That being said it isn't near the amount of noise fluff I was expecting. I definitely wanted to be able to hear it a bit more. The weather strip that came with the Windstorm CAI was pretty difficult to fit onto the air box. But after a lot of frustration and manipulation I feel it fits about as well as it can. I am going to do some chalk tests to see how well the seal is actually sealing to the hood. I have some concerns with how it seals toward the front of the vehicle. I will make sure to take some pictures hopefully tonight so you can see what it looks like. One part I do find interesting and would like some clarification on is this: Livernois says the CAI is not a re-branded Air Raid and gives some specifications and statistics as to why it is not. However, when you open the box you get Air Raid stickers for your CAI. Just kind of interesting how you receive Air Raid decals for a "non-Air Raid CAI"

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Honestly, so far none of the CAI's have proven to be any performance gains...the only ones that have shown any promise is bpd's (one of a kind custom) and Bamsho's modification of the stock air box. The only reason, I have left the Airaid on my car is because I like the looks and "Wow" factor when showing the engine...as far as performance, not so much...however, I must say that Airaid has been very supportive and have been very responsive with their customer service. But then so has Livernois.

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Well the Cold Air Intake along with my LMS tune and spark plugs were installed last night. I drove it for maybe 10-15 minutes and as far as the Cold Air Intake goes' date=' I definitely heard it a few times. That being said it isn't near the amount of noise fluff I was expecting. I definitely wanted to be able to hear it a bit more. The weather strip that came with the Windstorm CAI was pretty difficult to fit onto the air box. But after a lot of frustration and manipulation I feel it fits about as well as it can. I am going to do some chalk tests to see how well the seal is actually sealing to the hood. I have some concerns with how it seals toward the front of the vehicle. I will make sure to take some pictures hopefully tonight so you can see what it looks like. One part I do find interesting and would like some clarification on is this: Livernois says the CAI is not a re-branded Air Raid and gives some specifications and statistics as to why it is not. However, when you open the box you get Air Raid stickers for your CAI. Just kind of interesting how you receive Air Raid decals for a "non-Air Raid CAI"[/quote']



The reason why is because they make our filter for us to our spec. It is not a re-branded Airaid, as you cannot buy our Windstorm kit from them.

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part of the problem with the sho/mks is that ford did such a good job of keeping noise out of the cabin. i hear my exhaust but not the turbos. i ended up using some of the black water pipe split insulation rather than the airaid rubber strip. it sets up higher so hopefully does better job of keeping hot air from get in. actually looks better too.love what brian did, a great job with his, wish i had the ability. .

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That explains why I had the taller blade to begin with. Still needs a little help to be air tight to the hood though. If the blade was a little more pliable it might. Funny contour on the hood liner leaves a few gaps. Put some good 1/4 mile times up with it modified though. Rich

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