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Ecoboost Owner Forums

Were these wheels optional?

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Yes, there were 2 different styles.  Those are not optional wheels on the SHO but were the standard wheels for 2010.  They are 19" wheels.  The optional wheels were the 20" wheels that came on most heavier optioned cars in 10.

I have 19" wheels too, but don't like mine as much and mine is loaded with every option SHO has. I wish those were my wheels though. Mine collect brake duct in those crevices hard core!

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I think you can't help but get brake dust on the wheels. But I installed caliper covers on my car and they have really cut down the dust on the wheels (although I still do get some dust). But I upgraded my brakes to EBC slotted/dimpled rotors and Yellowstuff brake pads.  I my opinion the higher performance rotors and pads do give off more brake dust than did the OEM pads.  But I think the braking improvement was worth putting up with the dust. I find myself cleaning my wheels at least once a week to keep them looking somewhat clean. 

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