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Help! Two hundred miles from home and over heating

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Beside calling road assistance, you can always open the fans and put it at the warmest... That takes the hot air and blows it from under the hood into the cabin. You may want to open all windows! Then when you drive steadily with less acceleration possible at around 45mph, the engine doesn't force and the wind cools it down... Good luck!

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  • 2 weeks later...

It did it again one more time into the trip, although not as bad the second time. I fully refilled the coolant tank with valvoline 50/50 and didn't experience any further issues so far.


However, I spoke to a few friends of mine who are higher up in the ford r/d chain and they believe since this is the second cooling system issue I've had that there may be a bigger issue somewhere. Needless to say I'm not pleased. I'll do my best to keep everyone posted on any news I may get.

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