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Offically Checking In from Cental PA


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Thanks Rick.

Oh BTW I would love to get in on the tune/CAI package you are offering but I am not sure if the wife has ordered it for my Chistmas gift. If not I will be contacting you soon to order. One question I have is, will the winter temps effect the tune in any way? Should I just keep stock during winter?

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Thanks Rick.

Oh BTW I would love to get in on the tune/CAI package you are offering but I am not sure if the wife has ordered it for my Chistmas gift. If not I will be contacting you soon to order. One question I have is, will the winter temps effect the tune in any way? Should I just keep stock during winter?


Rick, I can field this answer for you. Last winter I ran Stage 2 without any problems and I have been running 4+ since late June and it is running fine. Since I am in Lewisburg m weather matches your weather. Glad you made it here and I look forward to getting together with you in the near future. BTW, where did you get your SHO? Mine came from LB Smith in Harrisburg.

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