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Ecoboost Owner Forums

new member, not new to forums.........


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Hey fellas,

I have been on f150online.com for a long time and have done my share of posting....I actually started a thread about how upset I was that I had not been able to find a website on the net with any "new Taurus threads”(because I recently purchased an SEL with my wife)…luckily someone private messaged me about this site…..and like a beacon on the shores of lake Michigan I found this awesome site, you guys are hardcore about anything about the ecoboost, and even though we didn’t splurge on the SHO, this site has been most informative. I totally have “pimped” out my F150 externally (besides the CAI) on the F150online website with the WisconsinFX4 “handle” and now it is time to add some accessories to my wife’s car. She has a 2011 white platinum and so far all we have done is tint the windows….the car looks great on the interior but I would like to add the SHO spoiler, rims, possibly a new grill, and maybe ground effects. I just wanted to make myself known and not be one of those people that all of a sudden want to buy something in the classifieds with one post (I know how forums work). Thanks for letting me into this group, a lot of nice cars on this site already and from what I can see the best is yet to come! I will add some pics soon once I figure out how to do so (every forum is different)! FORD NATION!

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Glad to have you here, definitely some info for even the non Eco owners. I am also a step-child here, with my MKS. The MKS forum and the SHO forum ....well lets just say the MKS is almost inactive/extinct...and the SHO forum is plain hostile (as to the current generation).

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In an official capacity..... welcome aboard! :welcome:


Glad to have your input.


Contribute where you can, and I can tell you've already been doing your preliminary background homework as you are correct, pics would nice :thumb:


So when time permits, please post and enjoy all of the info already found here, as well as our great, active members, and handful of outstanding supporting vendors.


Mike :yo:

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:welcome: Glad that you joined us, hope you have a great time here. Being a former Ford (and Lincoln) truck owner, I wonder have you stumbled on Ford Truck World? I was very active at that site when I had the trucks and meant a lot of great people through that site. They also have chapters in every state so maybe you could check them out. But anyway, this is a great place to learn about the SHO and most of the info would apply to all the other Taurus models, so hopefully you will find us helpful.

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