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Ecoboost Owner Forums

Please welcome our newest vendor...


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Welcome aboard Torrie! :welcome:


Thank you 1st of all for being an official 'supporting vendor' here on the brand new EcoBoost Owner Forums! Very cool :thumb:


I would concur with Darrell's assessment that this site is definitively more friendly than certain others.


Still in it's infancy mind you, but with less than 2 weeks of age, it's already gaining traction and off to a wonderful start!


We look forward to your involvement, your expertise, and continued support of the SHO/EcoBoost platform!

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I am rocking Torrie's 170 degree lower temp thermo in my 2010 SHO.


As far as I am aware, Torrie is the only vendor producing these currently.


Torrie also produces a very cool, much more efficient aftermarket radiator as well. Darrell is rocking one in his SHO! Another item unique to Unleashed Tuning!


Be sure to contact him for current pricing and availability on both of these items!


Thanks Torrie for embracing the EcoBoost platform and making products exclusive to our line of vehicles :thumb:

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