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Greetings to all. I look forward to learning and contributing where I can. I have a 2010 Silver Ingot SHO, currently running a Livernois Stage 4+ tune (and I love it), the SHO serves as one of my toys and also my DD.



I am also the owner of a high end detailing shop, and have been detailing vehicles for over 30 years. I am always happy to answer questions and/or provide advice.

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Hi Doug! Welcome aboard the brand new EcoBoost Owners Forums! :welcome:


Truly am glad that you made the transition over here..... you'll see a lot of familiar faces and you'll come to enjoy a much more pleasurable forums experience with fellow members who are all genuinely enthusiastic about the new line up for EcoBoost powerplants from Ford.


Much like yourself :thumb:


I know that the community will benefit from your detailing expertise and we welcome and look forward to your posts and contributions to the site!



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Kudos for the 'blue' -- but what was the "time-out" all about the first time you payed???




Error came back as timed out, waiting on paypal.com. I tried again about 30 seconds later, and it went right through. I am not sure if it was on paypal's end, or mine.

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I also have spent much time in understanding all the detailing processes. One thing that I have learned is that there are many different types of equipment and solvents. It is imperative to use the correct solvents with the proper pads in the prescribed order, or you run the risk of damaging your finish. I also understand the best professional grade detailing equipment and solvents are found online. To get the best finish it is worth the extra dough to fork out for quality products.


I believe proper detailing is a good way to protect your investment. It is worth the time and money to either learn these steps to detail your ride regularly, or hire a professional to complete a full refinishing twice a year.

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