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SHO Die cast!


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I was given a 2010 SHO die cast today. I was actually beside myself with surprise at getting a gift, what it was, and who gave it to me. My stepsisters biological father was the giver. He is a huge car buff, and has a terminal nerve condition that is taking all motor control. I have talked to the guy 6 times in my life, last time was at Christmas.


Here is what he gave me, said he found it on e-bay... Never even thought to look for one of these myself.







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It's a very nice gift. Before you modify it be aware that these cars were a limited production run by Greenlight, I believe there is less then 1000 of each color that was available. I had to wait for 6 months after ordering to get mine. Also the only colors that were available were: red, black, and silver. So it is a great gift and they are somewhat hard to find.

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