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I did my part

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That's the best way to make our family grow...... word of mouth. :cheer2:


I added rep points for you, for taking that extra effort, and having the where with all to have EBOF in the back of your mind. :wink:


I hope your efforts are successful. I know I've recruited a good 1/2 dozen or so locals, and am always keeping my head on a swivel, and my eyes peeled for other EB owners so I can continue the trend.


I hope more EBOF members here follow your lead and consider doing the same. :tea:

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I have mentioned the site to a few folks, but no takers. I was thinking about printing up some cheap cards and keeping them in my car to put under wipers - thing is, I hate people touching my car and putting things under my wipers. So, I will keep mentioning it and maybe hand the card to an owner if I happen to catch them.

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It's a great idea, and I have mentioned it to several people on other sites, but can't really take credit for recruiting any members, just hope I helped influence them to join. I don't think I would mind if someone left a card on my car about this site. But kudo's to Todd for taking the initiative and trying to get more members. Usually I don't get a chance to talk SHO when I'm hanging with the dive crowd....most of the time they have scuba in their eyes and aren't really in the car mindset when talking diving.

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Cool Tractor, I recruited 2 myself this weekend if not more when at lapser drag way. Had no idea that we where having a SHO meet there seeing how there was about 6 SHO's there. If some has the knack for such a card for the forum would be excellent for these instances. That way we could have a shared file on the site where member could print cards for them selves to distribute.

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Well, I truly love this forum, but I don't put on decals. No LMS even though I love them, no Airaid even though I am a fan, etc.


I would however buy a T-Shirt or cards to hand out..... for now I am going to perhaps print out simple cards on regular paper and keep them in the car. No fancy graphics, just basically: " As an Ecoboost owner myself, I couldn't help but admire your Ecoboost. You should check out ecoboostownerforums.com. It's a great website with lots of useful

information about our cars!" .....or something like that.....

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