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Missing you more then ever lol !!


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HELLO fellow members, just wanted to share with you as i am SHO'less still now for 2 weeks and still gonna be around another 10 days i was told as most of you are aware that in ny,nj we had this superstorm and during this storm i lost power for only 4 days but after the first 24-30 hours my 125 gallon salt water fish tank that has over 3-5k worth of fish inverts etc. was all gone and lost and i cried(didnt really cry,but felt like i got kicked in the lower area,to see all of the fish dying and sufficating due to no power,filtration,heat,etc) but i found 3 survivors and i decided to catch them which tooks hours to do since i have over 150lbs of live rock for them to hide i caught them and was on my way at 2am in the hurricane to a friends house about 20 mins away since he had power to try to save them, i know i know,not a smart idea buti just felt bad not making the attemp, so thats how my car got damaged as i was out and all the streets were pitch black and there where huge multiple trees and power lines down that wrapped around my car and side mirror and i had no choice but to go forward thru it as i was stuck in the trees and wires and it scrapped up and dented 75% of my car, i was totally fine no injuries ( except emotional lol) as i was only doin about 15mph as i was trying to be safe,but safe to say i lost the last few fish, and caused myself alot more issues and troubles as my car has been at the body shop for 2 weeks and hopefully will get it back before thanksgiving, and i hope and plan to get her back with a few extra things/mods i wanted to get done and she'll look better thenever !! but i am missing my SHO very much and cant wait till i get her back and will show and post pics of her all done up and nice and clean :) thanks guys for taking the time for me to share this story with you as i feel this forum is a VERY FRIENDLY FAMILY RESPECTFUL HELPFUL group and thats rare and glad to be part of this fam. keep up the good work to everyone on here and sharing all there stories,mods,experiences and wisdom, keep it coming guys,




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Sandy was a typical woman. Bossy, came through with a vengeance and no idea why she was so mad but kept on strutting. We didn't have much up here but I feel you on the tank issues. I had to bring in Koi from my pond a while ago when I lived in MD because something kept eating them and we lost power in an ice storm one year and I watched a good $500 in fish go belly up. Literally. Only minor scrapes to my car and for some reason the trim lifted up almost off the car, no idea why (also got hit by a shutter... random but I told my husband I heard it banging the house and he goes "nah it's fine"... fine my ass, it hit my car and shattered into pieces and we are still missing half of the thing.) But, I am glad you are okay and I admit I am sad to hear your car didn't make it through unscathed. I will have a drink tonight in your car's honor.. you know, pour some out for your "fallen homie" and all that. Post the pics after you get her back. You might have to apologize to her for going out on the roads when they suggested not to. :)

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thanks steph, as i will apologize to her and have her rubbed and touched very gently lol, and i will have some sangria tonight as you got me thinking and in the mood as i just bought the cheap 1gallon jug of it and have a glass of it for me,2 for her and 1 more for u, lol and call it a night, and yes pics def, as i cant wait to have her back, but my car as i had it first in the storm was my home, i had heat massaging seats, dvd player where i watches the movie TED, AND THATS MY BOY LIKE 3 TIMES WITH my dog chilling with me in the back seat (a all black german shep,)and i could charge my cell phone, so basibally im gonna look into having a fish tank put into my car so it will have everything i need for the future !! (thats a joke, but i was kinda looking into making my arm rest in the middle a small fish tank lol )

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tss thanks, extras nothing crazy like steve trying to make it a 10 second car, as i cant find a proper or amazing performance shop for that kind of work, just some add ons and i can say i was able to get the LAST MOBSTELL GRILL THERE MAKING FOR THE SHO, :) but a few other things which ill just wait till its done and post pics, yes its kinda like a mike secret mod project but nothing like mike and his amazing work and mods lol, and i live in a condo complex where were not allowed to have a generator but i will def. purchase a small one just for my tank when i do it over which is gonna take alot of time,work and the most difficult part alot of money lol, but a small generator is and will be a must so i dont lose my tank, as i can suffer without the power if it happens again so thats y a small one i can deal with as it will be only for the filtration/heat, thanks guys

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tss thanks' date=' extras nothing crazy like steve trying to make it a 10 second car, as i cant find a proper or amazing performance shop for that kind of work, just some add ons and i can say i was able to get the LAST MOBSTELL GRILL THERE MAKING FOR THE SHO, :) but a few other things which ill just wait till its done and post pics, yes its kinda like a mike secret mod project but nothing like mike and his amazing work and mods lol, and i live in a condo complex where were not allowed to have a generator but i will def. purchase a small one just for my tank when i do it over which is gonna take alot of time,work and the most difficult part alot of money lol, but a small generator is and will be a must so i dont lose my tank, as i can suffer without the power if it happens again so thats y a small one i can deal with as it will be only for the filtration/heat, thanks guys[/quote']


Ha casper SORRY about your lost. We have those blow-hards a lot down here in ATLANTA. And we love our dogs like, your fish (MICK-VIC) I KNOW THAT WAS BAD!!!!!!!!!! But I've a friend (who is a contrator) that has a that takes up a hold 18 ft wall 2" deep 3" tall for fish tank ,he would have pluged his car AC/DC convertor in the car and the drop cord to the fish tank. I know because he got the ideal from me so I could stay on-line on EBForum doing a pwr outage.LOL

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I feel your pain on the loss of your salt tank. I had a 30 gallon saltwater tank, and despite my best efforts, I couldn't keep it "healthy". Had a bunch of bristleworms and glass anemone's (sp?) take over, so I cut my losses on the rock, gave the fish to a good home, and went back to freshwater. I had a friend lose a big saltwater tank in a similar situation one time. Sucks badly.

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yeah thats a good idea' date=' it just seems here on the east coast were getting alot more stronger storms which were not used to having every year, but ill be prepaired next time with a small generator or battery operated heater/flitration. thanks sho[/quote']



you welcome. That why we here to help when we can. And BRAG ABOUT HOW FAST OUR CARS ARE.LOL 12.669 TUNE ONLY:car::bolt:

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Sorry to hear about your car and your aquarium. It's a really bummer when you lose all that marine life. It is the one reason I never went to a reef tank, although I had salt water for years. Hope your car is as good as new when you get it back and that everything gets back to normal for you and everyone affected by the storm.

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Bummer Anthony!


You'll be less anxious about your SHO once you get her back & all up to snuff!


Hopefully things continue progressing for you, & everyone else out there..... I still can't believe with like 3 weeks into it, that repairs & what not are still moving along at essentially a snail's pace.


:tsk: :tsk: :tsk:

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yeah thanks mike,

well i guess with so many accidents from the superstorm the insurance companies are overloaded so it took geico 8 days to go see my car at the shop and right over a second check as there first offer of the damages was estimated about half the cost, and now there in the middle of taking out all dings dents scratches etc. i just went by and there in the middle of painting it now and the shop guy is telling me hes going on vaca on nov. 22 and plans n hopes to get it back to me before he goes. i told him i also hope so, ill keep everyone posted and post some pics of her when i get her back. the mobsteel grill wont be ready till the end of the month also as its the last one there gonna do they said.



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  • 2 weeks later...

FINALLY got the phone call that she's allllll ready for pick up tomorrow, so im super excited and just hope its all done and theres no set backs and dissappointments. otherwise im superrrrr excited after 31 days of not having my black beauty lol, hoping to have pics also to post and have to share with u guys( my extended SHO family lol) and ill try to figure out this photobucket so the pictures are larger but if not sorry the iphone pictures i post with have to do, thanks guys


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