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Ecoboost Owner Forums

New to SHO


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Purchased a 2010 black SHO a week ago today and googling for mods I came across this awesome site... almost as unexpected as my SHO purchase... I had been in the market for a used Jeep SRT-8 for 8 months but never found the right one, test drove the 2010 SHO that happened to be at the dealer while the wife was looking at a new Explorer and the rest is history! I love it but will be doing a few mods such as exhaust, CAI, tail light Lamin-X, and something with the grille. Looking forward to input from some of you out there!

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Welcome aboard :welcome:


Glad to see you made it here. There are plenty of your fellow EcoBoost owners here & most who've already modded their car's in some form, or another.


Be sure to check out some of the "how-to's" and be sure to also hit up one (or all) of our supporting vendors as each offers a variety of products for your SHO.


If there's something you don't see right off hand, don't be hesitant to ask.... your fellow EcoBoost members here on this site are friendly and will go out of their way to help out where they can :thumb:


Mike :wave:


Sent from my DROID3 using Tapatalk

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