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Ecoboost Owner Forums

Pictures of last fall

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Hey guys! I don't know for you, but I sure love to see other people's ride. It is fun to share and it gives ideas as well. So, when I was on another forum, there was a calendar project that never materialized. I had taken a few pics that I found to be very nice and I had in mind to be the car of October, since the colors where I live in the fall are amazing. So, here are some of my favorites that I'd like to share with you, enjoy :










The rest of the photos can be found in photobucket under steve142857.



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Especially the one under that bridge, or overpass.....


The graffiti covered columns plays well for the background.


I enjoyed when you posted them elsewhere, and still do, even to this day.


Very cool :thumb:

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Super clean! I like your engine cover. What's done to it?


For the engine cover, I had it sand papered, primer, paint and clear at the dealer directly. It went through winter and endured the heat of the engine without any issues. I am very pleased with it.

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