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Ecoboost Owner Forums

Hello from Iowa!


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Hello fellow EcoBoosters! This is Rod from Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Currently I have a 2011 Tuxedo Black SHO with the PP that I've owned new since June of 2010. My wife has a 2010 MKT with EcoBoost. This is my third, and favorite, SHO. I previously owned a 1998 which was preceded by a 1993.



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Thanks, everyone! And thank you, Mike, for the invitation!




Really cool that you made the move over here to the new and exciting EcoBoost Owners Forums! :thumb:


As far as the invite, you're welcome.....


I truly believe that you'll find you're in much better company here (rather than where you, and most of us came from)......


It's with the great addition of members like yourself that will continue to make this site grow by leaps and bounds!


Pass the word along Rod and welcome once again!



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