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Good momentum for new members!


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The number of new members seems to have jumped faster recently. I hope it is not spammers that will have their account deleted and banned soon... That is great for our community and glad to see that other section (other than SHO/MKS) is starting to get attention too. After all, the more the merrier. There is a bunch of knowledgeable members here and good sponsors and the more we are, the more ideas will be shared and the more attraction we will get from new sponsors. I don't remember where I read this, but EBOF is the host of the fastest Ecoboost powered cars and truck in the internet.

Good job guys, keep promoting our forum!

Cheers and welcome to all the new members!



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Steve, it looks like all the new members are legit....so I agree it's nice to see more new people coming to our forum. I hope several of them will consider becoming Premium Members. It's well worth the investment for all the knowledge and great information available from our members here.

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Steve' date=' it looks like all the new members are legit....so I agree it's nice to see more new people coming to our forum. I hope several of them will consider becoming Premium Members. It's well worth the investment for all the knowledge and great information available from our members here.[/quote']



I plan on doing so soon. Would have done it sooner but my wallet is always in my car, not with me at what ever keyboard i sit. Keeps me from buying on line junk i want but dont need.

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EBOF is the host of the fastest Ecoboost powered cars and truck in the internet.


I like this should be our new slogan. As to memberships, my one year anniversary is fast approaching. Will I be notified of renewal or will it be my responsibility to resubmit my member dues?



When we first started, a few members had to send a PayPal payment and then I had to manually change their member status. Others just subscribed through their control panel. If you did it through the control panel it should automatically notify you. :)

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You know, this is as a good of a time to point out a couple of facts.


1st, regrettably, there are a "few" spam accounts that are currently waiting deletion, which will reduce the membership #'s slightly, but alas the majority of the new registrants have been legitimate. Which, I agree, is pretty darn cool. Anyone can see the amount of known, documented spammers trying to sign up (and are prevented form doing so) by scrolling all the way down to the bottom of the main screen after you sign in. Currently, the programs in place have prevented almost 12,000 of them! Inevitably, this is just a normal course of business now thanks to the World Wide Web.


2nd, we should reiterate, that EBOF is a Non-Profit run community. Your ADMIN and Moderation Staff do NOT, and I'll repeat, DO NOT get paid, or compensated in any way to keep this site up and running. The fee(s) charged to Companies (to become Supporting Vendors) is used to offset normal day to day to operating costs. The minimal charge of $10 per year to become a Premium Member is largely used to keep in place, spam security protocols that help keep this site free of crap (for lack of better terms). Also, w/e's leftover of that measly $10, simply goes towards paying for the "extras" that each member benefits from, that slightly increases operating costs due to memory usage on the server.


3rd, I personally am proud of how the site has progressed in it's first year, and although we've had a few growing pains, and/or hiccups here and there, I would say that our membership here is quite knowledgeable, helpful, and many go out of their way(s) to provide answers to questions presented, or helping out when it comes to providing mod info, or going out their individual ways to contact outside companies to perform research on future product(s), or resolution(s) to developing issues (think along the lines of trans upgrades, ptu upgrades, motor mounts, etc.).


4th, I am aware of some "chitter chatter" about our community allegedly being preferential to a particular company versus others. Simply not true. This site was not started with the goal of promoting any particular company over another. It goes w/o saying that some company's have a much larger marketing division, than perhaps other, smaller company's, who in turn, may not have access to, or can afford. That being said, those company's with larger marketing capabilities will certainly have the ability to "penetrate" the market better than others. We welcome any and ALL potential EBOF Supporting Vendors equally, and promote same, equally. I know this may be a difficult concept for some to grasp, but that is the reality, and has always been that way here on EBOF.


5th, as EBOF approaches it's 1st Anniversary, your ADMIN & Moderation Staff are open to your suggestions for the future, and we welcome new ideas (think along the lines of the new sections that were created as a direct result of member suggestions, i.e. the MyCal subsection, and the Focus ST section).


Thank you to all who've allowed this site to grow, thank you all for your involvement, thank you for all of your collective and individual participation, and thank you all for sharing your experiences with your various EcoBoost products. It makes me proud to be a part of this community.


Mike :yo:

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You know, this is as a good of a time to point out a couple of facts.


1st, regrettably, there are a "few" spam accounts that are currently waiting deletion, which will reduce the membership #'s slightly, but alas the majority of the new registrants have been legitimate. Which, I agree, is pretty darn cool. Anyone can see the amount of known, documented spammers trying to sign up (and are prevented form doing so) by scrolling all the way down to the bottom of the main screen after you sign in. Currently, the programs in place have prevented almost 12,000 of them! Inevitably, this is just a normal course of business now thanks to the World Wide Web.


2nd, we should reiterate, that EBOF is a Non-Profit run community. Your ADMIN and Moderation Staff do NOT, and I'll repeat, DO NOT get paid, or compensated in any way to keep this site up and running. The fee(s) charged to Companies (to become Supporting Vendors) is used to offset normal day to day to operating costs. The minimal charge of $10 per year to become a Premium Member is largely used to keep in place, spam security protocols that help keep this site free of crap (for lack of better terms). Also, w/e's leftover of that measly $10, simply goes towards paying for the "extras" that each member benefits from, that slightly increases operating costs due to memory usage on the server.


3rd, I personally am proud of how the site has progressed in it's first year, and although we've had a few growing pains, and/or hiccups here and there, I would say that our membership here is quite knowledgeable, helpful, and many go out of their way(s) to provide answers to questions presented, or helping out when it comes to providing mod info, or going out their individual ways to contact outside companies to perform research on future product(s), or resolution(s) to developing issues (think along the lines of trans upgrades, ptu upgrades, motor mounts, etc.).


4th, I am aware of some "chitter chatter" about our community allegedly being preferential to a particular company versus others. Simply not true. This site was not started with the goal of promoting any particular company over another. It goes w/o saying that some company's have a much larger marketing division, than perhaps other, smaller company's, who in turn, may not have access to, or can afford. That being said, those company's with larger marketing capabilities will certainly have the ability to "penetrate" the market better than others. We welcome any and ALL potential EBOF Supporting Vendors equally, and promote same, equally. I know this may be a difficult concept for some to grasp, but that is the reality, and has always been that way here on EBOF.


5th, as EBOF approaches it's 1st Anniversary, your ADMIN & Moderation Staff are open to your suggestions for the future, and we welcome new ideas (think along the lines of the new sections that were created as a direct result of member suggestions, i.e. the MyCal subsection, and the Focus ST section).


Thank you to all who've allowed this site to grow, thank you all for your involvement, thank you for all of your collective and individual participation, and thank you all for sharing your experiences with your various EcoBoost products. It makes me proud to be a part of this community.


Mike :yo:



Mike, nicely said. You actually sparked a light bulb in my head. Tomorrow I will get in contact with our sponsors and see if I can get them to do some kind of small nominal holiday raffle/giveaway for our forum members. :)

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Sorry just with the other forum starting this week and then this post. I don't know.... feels like damage control. Please before I get flamed I love this forum and I have paid to be a premium member because it is damn well worth it and I will pay it again when it's time. However I posted what I was thinking at the time I read the post. The person who pointed me to the new site is now removed from this site. I was pointed to this site by a person that PM'd me from the first SHO site I had joined. I don't know the difference between the two but it seems the same. I do not however know all of the facts so it's more of a case of diarhea of the mouth. Granted tonight is not a good night for me to do that. I am at a total loss from tonight's results. One word "unbelievable".

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Quotes :«I am at a total loss from tonight's results. One word "unbelievable".

Amen. Right there with you.»


Guys, being a car forum, I think we should avoid discussing politics and religions. Especially with last night results, there is 50% happy and 50% unhappy, so better not approach that sensible subject. I have my own opinion, but prefer not talk about it to keep this forum friendly and focussed on our shared love for cars/ecoboost cars...


Thanks for your comprehension!

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Tractor, no one going to flame you here. If haven't notice by now this community doesn't behave that way, most of us have migrated from that other place where that was common place and just pure lack of respect for its members.


The reason I called you out on your remark is because I truly want to know what the issue is here and when genuine concern for our community. Because I don't see what the issue is as I read 99.9% of every post placed on this forum, from what my take is on it all is we had few members that weren't happy this wasn't more pro Torrie forum. But I don't see how thats anyone persons doing, 2yrs ago when I started exploring modding my car it appeared there wasn't anything out there and then start to read about Livernois on that other site.


Now if circumstance where different perhaps I'd be running a Torrie tune today but wasn't even aware of Torrie at the time. But I personally don't see any discrimination from one vender to another, and am thankful we have both at our disposal. As anything we can do to exploit our platform we will reap the benefits there of.


Now with that said I know I myself and others truly want to know what is going on, perhaps you don't want to air to all but feel free to PM me if you care to. Cause my main objective here is to be respectful of others and help and assist in any way possible and I believe I have a track record that backs it up to boot.


We have great forum here and some very outstanding members here that have helped make great advancements with cars, and I want to keep this forum as a place of enjoyment and knowledge so that guys here that exploit our resources and venders to max have place that they enjoy coming to share. Because lets face it if weren't for them we wouldn't be this far along, because we all have learned from them including vendors. As the old adage goes. "you can please most of the people most of the time, but you can't please all them all of the time."


Your a good guy Tractor, and I share sentiments in regards last nights events. But I personally felt something needed to be said with the peace and harmony of this forums interests at stake.

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Tractor' date=' no one going to flame you here. If haven't notice by now this community doesn't behave that way, most of us have migrated from that other place where that was common place and just pure lack of respect for its members. The reason I called you out on your remark is because I truly want to know what the issue is here and when genuine concern for our community. Because I don't see what the issue is as I read 99.9% of every post placed on this forum, from what my take is on it all is we had few members that weren't happy this wasn't more pro Torrie forum. But I don't see how thats anyone persons doing, 2yrs ago when I started exploring modding my car it appeared there wasn't anything out there and then start to read about Livernois on that other site. Now if circumstance where different perhaps I'd be running a Torrie tune today but wasn't even aware of Torrie at the time. But I personally don't see any discrimination from one vender to another, and am thankful we have both at our disposal. As anything we can do to exploit our platform we will reap the benefits there of. Now with that said I know I myself and others truly want to know what is going on, perhaps you don't want to air to all but feel free to PM me if you care to. Cause my main objective here is to be respectful of others and help and assist in any way possible and I believe I have a track record that backs it up to boot. We have great forum here and some very outstanding members here that have helped make great advancements with cars, and I want to keep this forum as a place of enjoyment and knowledge so that guys here that exploit our resources and venders to max have place that they enjoy coming to share. Because lets face it if weren't for them we wouldn't be this far along, because we all have learned from them including vendors. As the old adage goes. "you can please most of the people most of the time, but you can't please all them all of the time." Your a good guy Tractor, and I share sentiments in regards last nights events. But I personally felt something needed to be said with the peace and harmony of this forums interests at stake.[/quote']



Crash712us for president 2016. :lol:

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Tractor, no one going to flame you here. If haven't notice by now this community doesn't behave that way, most of us have migrated from that other place where that was common place and just pure lack of respect for its members.


The reason I called you out on your remark is because I truly want to know what the issue is here and when genuine concern for our community. Because I don't see what the issue is as I read 99.9% of every post placed on this forum, from what my take is on it all is we had few members that weren't happy this wasn't more pro Torrie forum. But I don't see how thats anyone persons doing, 2yrs ago when I started exploring modding my car it appeared there wasn't anything out there and then start to read about Livernois on that other site.


Now if circumstance where different perhaps I'd be running a Torrie tune today but wasn't even aware of Torrie at the time. But I personally don't see any discrimination from one vender to another, and am thankful we have both at our disposal. As anything we can do to exploit our platform we will reap the benefits there of.


Now with that said I know I myself and others truly want to know what is going on, perhaps you don't want to air to all but feel free to PM me if you care to. Cause my main objective here is to be respectful of others and help and assist in any way possible and I believe I have a track record that backs it up to boot.


We have great forum here and some very outstanding members here that have helped make great advancements with cars, and I want to keep this forum as a place of enjoyment and knowledge so that guys here that exploit our resources and venders to max have place that they enjoy coming to share. Because lets face it if weren't for them we wouldn't be this far along, because we all have learned from them including vendors. As the old adage goes. "you can please most of the people most of the time, but you can't please all them all of the time."


Your a good guy Tractor, and I share sentiments in regards last nights events. But I personally felt something needed to be said with the peace and harmony of this forums interests at stake.



fixed it. paragraphs..pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :)

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I'm very new to the SHO forums but what happened? and what forum? Sorry for the stupid question but I see there is a little beef between forums.


Long story & not a stupid question by any means.


A lot of it has to do with perceptions, versus actual reality.


Some of the perceived issues have been addressed and corrected recently.


I'm sure others will chime in here as they see fit.....


But me personally, I'm a lil exhausted from it, and just wish the best for all involved, as it always has been from day one as it pertains to the EcoBoost platform.


I would chalk them 'em to normal growing pains as the recognition of the entire EcoBoost platform continues to gain traction and notoriety in the realm of the after market world.

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I am truly sorry for creating a "Lindsay Lohan" type scene. I have talked with people involved and everything is squared away. I should have pm'd my question rather then throw it out ambush style in a thread. It involved a member who pm'd me about a site he was starting. I assumed (yeah I know) that he had pm'd everyone on this site about it. However judging by the reaction I guess I was the only one. As I stated to the people involved I am on at least 10 different forums and this one has by far been the best one I visit. The helpfulness and good attitudes of the members and administrators is top notch and I check for updates several times a day. I became a premium member right away and don't regret it. That being said I do apologize to all parties involved and I didn't mean to interject my personal political preference I was just trying to explain my state of mind.





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I just want to that the Admins, Sponsors, and "Go-To-Guys" for their contribution to this forum. I have only come across a few SHO forums and half of them are just completely stagnant or very arrogant. I enjoy shooting the breeze with other enthusiasts and learning new ways to do things and then tweaking them to make it fit my style more. Everyone is helpful and friendly and it's hard to come by these days online. I admit we need more women here as I haven't seen any other estro-ecoboosters on (yes, I said that) But I love what this forum has to offer and am glad I upgraded to premium to help in any way I can. I hope to one day be able to help in other ways, even finding ways to get events going because well, I have an abundance of free time in between contracts. So again, many thanks for providing the community that I enjoy watching being active and grow daily.

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I admit we need more women here as I haven't seen any other estro-ecoboosters on (yes' date=' I said that) [/quote']


That's awesome. ^^^^ I am on several forums and this is by far the most civilized. As a mod of another forum, some members tend to scare off females because......well ...... they are idiots. I think the maturity and civility hear can be a breeding ground (yes, I said that) for getting women involved. I highly value my wife's perspective on things like aesthetic mods (she does not care so much about performance) , because she often times has a totally different way of looking at things than me. We need that here!

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I'm totally dig'n the moniker "Estro-EcoBoosters" :thumb:


As the only man in my house Steph (even my damn dog is a female) I've quickly learned my role in the heirarchy.


There are so many women I meet at local car shows in and around the Chi-Town area, that race, mod, ride bikes, etc.


That I find it quite pleasurable to have you here as part of our EBOF membership.


Hopefully you can muster up a few more like-minded registrants of the female persuasion......


I am super stoked that my youngest, who's 11, has always been a "car-girl" and loves to help me out in the garage and what not.


She attends shows with me periodically, but my only hesitation now is now that she's getting older, it's a lil dicey me having to explain the entire concept of why models hang on, over, or around the various cars (especially at the bigger venues).


But I'm working on an explanation. Heck, I've even used models myself from time to time as I've come to learn how smart some of these women are and that they use the extra $$ from modeling to further their education.


Smart smart, beautiful women :hail:

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That's awesome. ^^^^ I am on several forums and this is by far the most civilized. As a mod of another forum' date=' some members tend to scare off females because......well ...... they are idiots. I think the maturity and civility hear can be a breeding ground (yes, I said that) for getting women involved. I highly value my wife's perspective on things like aesthetic mods (she does not care so much about performance) , because she often times has a totally different way of looking at things than me. We need that here![/quote']


Couldn't agree more. The other forums have been dicey. The moment they smell a female they either insult you or PM stalk you. It's just annoying so it's nice to be somewhere that you aren't judged or spammed for pics. We women has that design trait that helps make things looks good and make the most sense. I had to talk my husband out of putting red louvers on the Mustang because it would have looked completely stupid in my opinion. I told him White on White and if you do anything, black out the roof and call it a day.



I'm totally dig'n the moniker "Estro-EcoBoosters" :thumb:


As the only man in my house Steph (even my damn dog is a female) I've quickly learned my role in the heirarchy.


There are so many women I meet at local car shows in and around the Chi-Town area, that race, mod, ride bikes, etc.


That I find it quite pleasurable to have you here as part of our EBOF membership.


Hopefully you can muster up a few more like-minded registrants of the female persuasion......


I am super stoked that my youngest, who's 11, has always been a "car-girl" and loves to help me out in the garage and what not.


She attends shows with me periodically, but my only hesitation now is now that she's getting older, it's a lil dicey me having to explain the entire concept of why models hang on, over, or around the various cars (especially at the bigger venues).


But I'm working on an explanation. Heck, I've even used models myself from time to time as I've come to learn how smart some of these women are and that they use the extra $$ from modeling to further their education.


Smart smart, beautiful women :hail:


Most of the women I know only car about their cars getting them from point A to point B, know it runs on whatever gas is the cheapest, and takes it in for oil changes 2k miles over. So not sure if I could do much with that but the dealership up here has car shows here and there so I plan on seeking out some and hoping to get them on here. My little girls are a freshly turned 2 and the other is almost 6 months. So far, the 2 yr old is starting to understand how things work and she helps me wash and dry the cars. She got a Ferrari powerwheel for her birthday and I catch her wiping it down from time to time so I hope as she gets older she stays interested. I had always wanted to be a car model but was always leery as to how my husband would feel about it but there's a big difference between the women modeling that do it to help benefit their lives vs. the "Scene Girls" you see that go there to be seen and that's it. As my dad always said, a father's role is to keep his daughter off the pole. lol

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